Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Recognition as a Not For Profit Organization (NPO) Application

*Knowingly providing false information on this registration form may result in the cancellation and retraction of any form of support from the City of Clarence-Rockland


Is your organization recognized as a charity by the Government?
What form(s) of support will be most useful to your organization?

The organization/group agrees to:

  • Notify the City of Clarence-Rockland if there are changes to the information provided above (ex, office, address, etc..) or if the organization/group stops its activities;
  • Use the advantages provided to itself as a NPO to provide a service to the community;
  • Not to use the support provided by the City for the exclusive benefit of the organization’s members;
  • Submit to the City of Clarence-Rockland financial activity reports pertaining to the form of support provided, as requested by the City;
  • Place the City of Clarence-Rockland's logo on all promotional materials related to the activities for which support has been received.
Declaration Checkbox: